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Guide on CBD And Working Out

Guide on CBD And Working Out

Posted: April 17, 2020

Whether you train at the gym, run, do yoga, or take part in sports like football, rugby or tennis, being active and working out can put a strain on your body despite all of the benefits to your health and lifestyle. As you build muscle and improve performance, aches and even injuries can occur that have a negative impact on your training and leisure time. These negative results of working out, exercise recovery and tiredness can potentially be improved by CBD. Let’s take a look into the importance of staying fit and the ways in which CBD and working out can benefit our health and fitness.

Why do we work out?

  • To get fit
  • Improve our health
  • Release endorphins
  • Improve mood
  • Enjoy our free time

When we work out or do regular physical activity many things happen to our body; not only can we improve physical fitness and our health, but we can also have a positive effect on our mental wellbeing. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals that interact with the receptors in our brain that are responsible for our perception of pain (the opiate receptors). These subsequently trigger positive feelings in our body; there is no wonder we get so much joy from working out! If we improve the health of our heart and our lungs, we can decrease feelings of lethargy and increase energy for tackling essential tasks or daily chores. At the same time, exercise delivers oxygen and vital nutrients to our tissues and helps our cardiovascular system work.

Different ways to work out

Working out means doing some vigorous exercise or physical training. Some of us like to run, swim or row, while others like to ski, lift weights or practise yoga. Whatever sport, practice or training regime we choose, there is a common goal for each of us: to improve our health. By working out and having a training routine or a session of physical activity, we are trying to stay fit and, in the long run, improve our chances of living a longer healthier life.

Limitations from Covid-19

We are all currently experiencing lockdown and social isolation because of a highly infectious respiratory virus called Covid-19. Covid-19 is having a dramatic effect on our lives physically, socially and economically. The government has put restrictions on our movements and limited the amount of outdoor exercise we can take. All but essential workplaces and businesses have closed or, where possible, have staff working from home. In order to maintain our general wellbeing and health, we need to be able to do sufficient exercise. Exercise provides the opportunity to release pent up energy and generate some endorphins. Having time in our day set aside for exercise ultimately makes our menial tasks and chores easier to get on with. In a time when we can be stuck at home for prolonged periods, we each need to do some physical activity and help create some motivation for gardening, home improvements or just to get the washing up done.

Home workout to keep fit whilst self isolating

It is important now, in a time when we all have to be at home for extended periods, that we still exercise. Being active and participating in exercise is important for our mental and physical health. CBD can contribute to both our physical and mental wellbeing as a part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Be sure to get involved in online classes or even create your own routine or video to share with others. There are plenty of online exercise classes where you can tune in live to join in the action, as well as an abundance of YouTube videos and tutorials for all kinds of workouts already online. Why not try out a routine of your own or one like we have here that’s easy to do at home? home workout routine

CBD and working out

Although there is not yet specific research into how a CBD product can improve fitness results or aid exercise recovery, there is a vast amount of research that suggests CBD can help with:

  • Inflammation
  • Pain
  • Recovery acceleration
  • Reduction of discomfort/improvement of comfort

When we take these effects into account, we can see that there is no reason we cannot use CBD as a supplement to provide some relief for sore muscles and inflammation caused by heavy weight-lifting and high-intensity interval training and other strenuous physical activity. CBD can relieve post workout soreness and improve recovery time from injury, ultimately enabling us to be at the top of our game. Dr. Murdoc Khaleghi (an Emergency Medicine Physician) says; “Athletes are limited by the extent to which they can train and how much time their muscles need to recover”. He then goes on to say “CBD, through its ability to decrease pain and inflammation helps to accelerate recovery”. CBD oil prevents the breakdown of anandamide (AEA), which is one of our bodies own endocannabinoids. This cannabinoid is released during exercise to combat pain and inflammation. Taking CBD oil could help to reduce pain and discomfort during strenuous or prolonged physical activity.

The benefits of CBD on workouts

There are numerous ways in which CBD can help to aid our body in healing or pain management and prevention. CBD is renowned for its ability to benefit individuals on a variety of levels. Not all of us are the same and each of us takes part in different sports or physical activity. Let us have a look at how CBD can help our unique and individual lifestyles..

Improve the quality of your sleep

Sleep, first and foremost, is a healer; it is a vital part of our day and without it, our health can deteriorate rapidly. We require a good night's sleep to help restore the body and give our bodies a chance to regenerate muscle tissues and heal. Sleep also rests our minds and resets us for the day ahead. Without sleep we can be tired, lethargic and moody, none of which will help inspire us to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Without sleep we can be at risk of:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Heart failure

Lack of sleep can also contribute to:

  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Lowered sex drive

Athletes who consume CBD have reported that they find it easier to get to sleep, as well as having a more restful sleep.

How does CBD improve sleep quality?

man sleeping in bed As our brain burns carbohydrates for energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) breaks down and gradually accumulates in our brain. Increased adenosine binding to neurons inhibits the release of neurotransmitters, which slows brain activity. This helps us feel calmer and induces sleep. Our body metabolises adenosine when we sleep, and later on, low concentrations of it help wake you up and the process starts over. CBD binds to the same receptors, which may inhibit adenosine reuptake, helping it accumulate more quickly and makes you feel sleepier sooner. CBD can have potent anti-anxiety effects as well, which can help to put our minds at ease and get us off to a more restful sleep more quickly. If we can get off to a good night's sleep, this is going to help us to have a more productive workout the day after. It also gives our body a chance to catch up on the much needed rest and do the repairs to muscles and joints that it needs to. Needing sleep is not specific to athletes; we all need it and could probably use a longer and more fulfilling sleep.

Pain relief

CBD has shown to relieve the symptoms of many kinds of pain. People are using CBD for the relief of symptoms from chronic pains, like arthritis or MS, or pain related to sport injury and even discomfort resulting from treatments for cancer and other invasive treatments for disease or illness. Inside our body we have a cell signalling system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). CBD interacts with a core component of the endocannabinoid receptors in our brain and immune system. The receptors are tiny proteins attached to our cells, which receive signals, mostly chemical ones from different stimuli, and help our cells respond. The response helps create pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects that help with pain management. After extended physical exercise and training, the aches and pains of sports and exercise are quite apparent. CBD can offer a natural, side-effect free alternative to otherwise harmful medicines to help alleviate inflammation and pain. CBD could be the answer to getting back up and exercising again faster and help aid our body on the way to healing more quickly. CBD can be a natural alternative to opioid medicines (which carry with them a great risk of dependency and risk of death from overdose), and also an alternative to NSAIDS (these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like ibuprofen and advil. According to The Essentials Of Pain Medicine, Fourth Ed., “There are no documented deaths from cannabis or cannabinoid-based products. In a systematic review of studies of oral and oral-mucosal cannabis for various medical conditions, the majority or adverse events reports were considered non-serious (96.6%).”

How does CBD help the body with workouts?

Cannabidiol or CBD is a known vasorelaxant, which means that it creates a reduction in the tension in our arteries and veins so that our blood can flow more freely. When our blood flows more freely we will get more much needed oxygen and nutrients to the vital parts of our bodies. Another great benefit of CBD is that it also reduces our blood pressure, which may help extend our workout and prolong the arrival of the feelings of fatigue or stress. Remember that CBD relieves the symptoms of pain and inflammation and also lasts for multiple hours in our system so we could have a dose before a long stint of exercise or prepare our bodies for a later event. CBD can be a great supplement to help us train harder, for longer and hold back any aches or pains we might feel post-exercise. It can relieve anxiety or stress we get from pre-game jitters to give us clarity for more focus to achieve our best results. CBD is used, by many, for treating symptoms of PTSD. For those of us, for example, who have undergone a traumatic sports injury CBD may be the answer to help us ‘get back on the horse’.

What types of workouts can CBD help with?

woman stretching on mat Whatever type of exercise or sport that you participate in, there is a way to welcome CBD into your routine and lifestyle. Whether you choose to take CBD before running a race to ease nerves, enhance performance or have a mid-exercise snack to help stem the effects of a pain we get from a long duration of sport, there is a product for every person for almost any physical activity. CBD is suitable for runners, surfers, and walkers alike; there is no sport where CBD cannot be of aid or benefit the user prior to, during or after sport.. Starting from the beginning of 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from the list of prohibited substances - in or out of competition. It is suitable for young adults (18+), as well as seniors. It is intended as a health supplement and to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle. CBD comes as a variety of products, it can come as a tasty snack, a post-sports balm and even as coffee beans. A few examples of the ways in which we can use CBD are as follows:

  • As a daily supplement
  • For relief of stress
  • For mental clarity
  • For helping to achieve homeostasis in our body
  • For accelerating recovery from injury or exercise

Should you take CBD before or after working out?

We can incorporate CBD into our daily routine, use it when we need relief or dose when we feel we might need some extra help in recovery. Oils, edibles, vapes and other products can be used prior to, during and post physical activity; it is all down to personal preference. For example, if we indulge in long distance running or jogging it could be helpful to have a CBD chocolate bar for a boost on the go. If we are going to lift heavy weights or do an intensive training regime, we could have drops of liquid CBD post-workout to help relax our body and aid us in recovery, relieving symptoms of pain and inflammation. CBD is unlike other supplements; it is flexible and can be tailored to our individual needs. There is a product to suit each type of lifestyle and discipline. Take it in preparation or as and when you need it, there is no specific method. For most oils the recommendation is to have 2-3 drops and then judge the effects for yourself. You can top up as necessary and it is a good idea to keep a log or journal of your CBD intake to help better tailor it to your personal requirements. Balms and lotions could be better after sport or exercise, as they are applied directly to the affected area whereas edibles like chocolate or jellies can be great for on the go and during activity.

CBD products to choose

When choosing the CBD product for yourself, try and think about when you will need it and how often. Is it going to be convenient (or allowed) to smoke a vape at your local gym, or if it might be better to get a bar of CBD chocolate for a quick bite instead? If you need some direct relief to an ache, a balm you can apply to your skin might be easier than brewing some CBD coffee beans whilst out and about. There is an ever increasing number of products to suit all areas of our lives, some specifically for sport recovery or pain management, some products for cosmetic and skin benefits and some that seem purely for enjoyment. Whatever you are searching for, we have it, check out our online store for our huge selection of products.

Are there any benefits for sport injuries?

There are a couple of high quality, stand-out products for sports injuries on the market. Not all CBD products are for ingesting or smoking; lots of them are tailored specifically for certain aspects of our lives and for sports and injury there are many high quality products.

Infinity CBD Sports Balm 1000mg CBD

This powerful, high strength CBD sports balm can be applied directly to the affected area to relieve muscle and joint pain. For relief from both cardio and strength training, this muscle rub is packed full of helpful nutrients, such as coconut oil, beeswax and menthol essential oil. It is simple to use: simply massage into the desired area to soothe joints and muscles.

Nirvana CBD Muscle Recovery Lotion 600mg CBD

Nirvana natural relaxation muscle recovery cream is jam-packed full of ingredients. This is a high-end muscle cream with the added benefits of CBD and is designed for maximum results. The bottle contains 600mg of broad spectrum CBD (this means it contains other cannabinoids and terpenes). It comes in a pump action bottle that enables easy application for sore muscles and strains. It can be applied twice a day, but not to your face or areas of broken skin.

Contact ICE Headshop

Our team is on hand to help advise on any of our products and to provide assistance wherever we can. Speak to us on the phone or email us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Email: [email protected] (24/7/365) Phone: Mon-Fri, 10am - 4.00pm Phone orders: 01626 903101 General enquiries: 01626 903102 Disclaimer: Please note that you must be 18 years or older to purchase CBD products. All claims and effects of CBD have been regulated by the MHRA since 2016 and distributors require a license from the MHRA to make any medical claims. Claims are opinion based and non-scientific, and while we may discuss the opinions people share, they are not our own. Our CBD is not intended to treat, cure or prevent disease. Although we can advocate its calming & healthy properties it is in no way intended for medicinal use.
