CBD SHOP - Order Your UK CBD Products Now


Your Trusted UK CBD Shop

The Ice Headshop has been providing the highest quality CBD products to customers all over the UK with our easy-to-use online CBD shop for years now. Here you will find a huge selection of products in varying strengths and flavours, hand picked by our team of passionate CBD enthusiasts

CBD Shop Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is CBD and CBD Oil?

    For having no intoxicating effects, CBD products and CBD oil is all the buzz in the UK. So just what is CBD and CBD Oil?

    CBD is short for cannabidiol.

    Cannabidiol is one of hundreds of different compounds or phytocannabinoids found in cannabis.

    Hemp, a variety of cannabis containing virtually no THC (the psychoactive compound that gives cannabis its high or buzz) happens to be rich in CBD.

    Cannabidiol is extracted from hemp and isolated down to a single cannabinoid resulting in CBD isolate.

    This CBD can be used to make a variety of different products. Products ranging from CBD e liquids and CBD edibles all the way to CBD balms and lotions.

  • Do CBD Products Work?

    CBD has been the centre of many studies for years now to find out if and how it effects us. Some of the most noted studies are conducted by The National Centre for Biotechnology Information and The National Institutes of Health. 

    Here are some examples of the studies they have conducted over the years.

    Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain - NCBI - NIH
    Cannabidiol: Promise and Pitfalls - NCBI - NIH
    An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A ... - NCBI - NIH
    Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders - NCBI - NIH
    A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in ... - NCBI - NIH
    Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Epilepsy: Hard ... - NCBI - NIH
    Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain ... - NCBI - NIH

    In a world filled with unhealthy choices, it is comforting to think that one of these choices might actually not be bad for you.

    Although CBD has been closely tangled in with marijuana prohibition, hemp isn’t marijuana and won’t get you high. The THC percentage in hemp is 0.003% or less.

    Compared to substances like nicotine and caffeine CBD Oil seems to be the healthier option.

    Could this be the allure that is attracting so many consumers to CBD oil globally?

    The market for CBD oil (or Cannabis Oil) has cultivated great success over the last decade. 

    Today CBD Oil is a multi-million-dollar market quickly heading towards the multi-billion-dollar range.

  • Why Are More People Turning Towards Cannabis Oil?

    There is no medicinal science to back up CBD Oil as a medicinal product, therefore we cannot promote it for such uses and make no claims to the effect (any claims are merely opinion based).

    Still, people just can’t seem to get enough of this CBD oil stuff.

    In America, CBD is popping up everywhere from coffee and tea shops to health food stores, eateries, and everywhere in between.

    What is it that is driving the trend that makes CBD a win? Is it word of mouth or something more? Many consumers of CBD Oil say it’s something more.

    Consumers report that CBD Oil is helping with a plethora of different things including:

    • Allergies
    • Inflammation
    • Stress
    • Anxiety
    • Appetite
    • Pain Relief
    • Energy

    Even fitness is an area where you will find CBD these days.

    Unlike the latest pharmaceutical to be released, CBD doesn’t get hundreds of hours of airtime on tv commercials.

    Instead, the news of CBD and how it is helping is travelling by way of word of mouth. 

    Testimonies, articles, reviews, and news stories are fuelling the buzz behind CBD oil (and all CBD products more generally).

    It would seem in order for something to get this type of response that it must be doing something pretty great.

  • Are CBD Products Good for Sport & Fitness?

    Even athletes are supporting CBD.

    Those who enjoy fitness as a part of their daily life are finding that CBD fits in with their fitness regimen.

    According to The National Centre for Biotechnology Information and The National Institutes of Health, cannabinoids like CBD are potent anti-inflammatory agents. This has led athletes of all sorts to seek and use CBD.

    Here are some of the better known athletes known to be making use of CBD products:

    • Eugene Monroe - the former offensive tackle for the Baltimore Ravens.
    • Chris Camozzi of the UFC.
    • Nate Diaz the prominent mixed martial artist.

    These athletes, along with other amateur and professional athletes around the globe, are adapting their daily regimen to incorporate CBD.

    They find CBD to be beneficial in helping their workouts by relieving inflammation and pain associated with intensive fitness regimens.

    From football players to mixed martial artists and every other kind of athlete in between you can find someone in almost every sport supporting CBD.

    The support of CBD by the athletic community is playing a big part in helping regular everyday people make the choice to give CBD oil a try.

    When regular folks see professional athletes giving testimony to the effectiveness of CBD they often want to try it too.

    Now thanks to established CBD shops like us, CBD is available in a wide variety of different delivery systems for all (over the age of 18) to buy and enjoy.

  • How Can You Take Cannabis Oil & Legal Cannabis Products?

    Cannabis oil can be taken orally, in the form of a tincture, a capsule, in the form of edibles, and it can also be applied topically, transdermal, or sublingual. We almost forgot to mention that you can now also smoke or vape CBD!

    With so many different ways for consumers to get their CBD on it's easy to see how it has become so appealing for so many.

  • What Are The Advantages of Items Sold By a CBD Shop?

    When it comes to the advantages of using the products sold by a CBD shop there are many.

    For instance, there are several advantages to oral CBD use versus other methods of consumption.

    You can find stories online of people suffering from all types of cancers, leukaemia, seizures, anxiety, inflammation, joint pain, sleep apnea, stress, high blood pressure and an endless list of other conditions that claim CBD helps them.

    One of the biggest benefits CBD oil is receiving the potential benefits of the cannabinoid without the side effects of an intoxicating buzz or high. CBD contains no THC and will not produce an altered or intoxicated state of mind.

    When it comes to the best method for consuming CBD oil, taking CBD makes the top of the list according to legendary media sources such as High Times.

    Another one of the great things about CBD is that it is reported to not be addictive or habit forming.

  • Which CBD Product is Right for Me?

    Many people find CBD oil to be the most convenient way to get their CBD. CBD oil is easy to buy and easy to use. Getting started with CBD oil is as easy as 1-2-3.

    Another option is a CBD vape pen, which is a small device that can be conveniently and easily utilised within moments. Some people are even using CBD e liquids for vaping to help them kick the addiction of nicotine. Not only does it taste better and is a healthier alternative to nicotine, everyone around them will appreciate their smell (or lack thereof) when they get back to work.

    In any case, when consuming CBD you won't have the smelly odour of smoke clinging to your skin and clothes. This means you can return to your tasks odour-free, not offending anyone.

    A lot of consumers report taking CBD via a vaping device to be the quickest way to receive the benefits that CBD may have to offer. From reducing stress and anxiety to relieving pain and inflammation, vaping high dosages of CBD oil seems to be what gets the job done for most people.

  • How Do I Get Started With CBD Oil?

    Getting started with CBD oil is truly as easy as 1 2 3.

    First, select a trusted CBD shop to buy your CBD oil from and well, here isn’t a bad bet.

    Second, select a brand of CBD oil and flavour that you think you will like.

    The last thing left is to buy the CBD you need.

    To help make this even easier let's break it down into sections.


    Finding Your Trusted CBD Shop

    Finding a place to buy CBD products doesn't have to be a complicated task.

    Choose a place that carries numerous name brands and offers a variety of different products. The place you choose should also offer these products at affordable prices.

    Your selected UK CBD shop should offer exceptional customer service.

    A great example of a place to shop for all your CBD products and CBD oil needs is Ice Head Shop. We have some of the cheapest CBD prices in all of the UK with the brands consumers love.

    Choosing the Right CBD Strength & Flavour

    Once you have decided where you're going to purchase your CBD (for dripping on the tongue) in an oral format, or other CBD products, the next step is to choose the right oil for you. CBD oil comes in a variety of different dosages and flavours.

    Most people start out with a small dosage such as 100 and/or 200 mg.

    After trying these you can determine if higher dosages such as 1000 mg, 2000 mg, or more, better fits your needs.

    You will find a variety of different flavours such as blueberry, strawberry, peach, and more when it comes to the flavours of CBD oil and products.

    Pick a flavour that is your favourite and the only thing left to do is enjoy it.

  • Are CBD Products & CBD Shops Legal in the UK?

    Hemp derived CBD products can be legally purchased in the UK. Under UK law, CBD shops stocking and selling these CBD products are not allowed to make unfounded medical claims. 

    Industrial hemp can also be cultivated under a licence in the UK. Any cannabis oil produced from hemp in the UK must contain a THC content of 0.2% or less.

  • How Does the Law on CBD Products Differ in the UK vs America?

    In the United States, CBD liquid can contain THC.

    In places like Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and dozens of others, marijuana is legal. This means that in states that have legal access to marijuana that extracting CBD from marijuana is legal too. In the UK, this is not the case.

    The legality of CBD products in the UK has been clouded in with marijuana prohibition.

    The law for CBD in the UK allows for hemp derived CBD to be purchased legally.

    However, companies and CBD shops selling CBD vape oil are not allowed to make unfounded medical claims according to UK laws.

    In a show of support for plant medicine, Sajid Javid of home security announced that certain medical specialists throughout the UK are now legally able to recommend medical cannabis products. This could be a great sign for CBD. With more studies the claims about the potential benefits of CBD oil could be verified by the medical community.

    UK law also allows for industrial hemp to be cultivated under a licence.

    Cannabis oil produced from hemp must contain a THC content of 0.2% or less.

    UK law also allows for industrial hemp to be used in clothing and building materials.

    Laws from back in 2016 from the MHRA state that products must be licensed in order to be promoted or advertised for medical purposes.

    Currently no licence has been issued for CBD oil as a medicine, so producers of CBD oil are not allowed to insinuate any medical benefits of this cannabinoid.

    Cannabis (and by association Cannabis oil) remains the centre of a heated debate in countries such as the UK and the United States where cannabis seeds remain illegal on federal and the government levels, while small manufacturers and producers of cannabis products are constantly being met with court cases at the same time that global companies such as GW Pharma are having no problems getting products such as Sativex accepted in the UK by the MHRA or accepted in the US by the FDA.

    With more science and information coming forward every month pertaining to cannabinoids and CBD products, it's only a matter of time before it becomes more widely available.

    The potential allure of a product that stands to even be remotely healthy for consumers in comparison to nicotine or other products consumer smoke is very attractive.

    When you factor in the global success rate of individual stories and testimonies about CBD products, it is easy to see why so many people are making the switch and ditching the smelly and unhealthy ways of smoking of the past.

The Best Deals on CBD Products in The UK

For the cheapest CBD products in the UK from the very best brands, remember to go to Ice Head Shop - your favourite online headshop.

If you've been considering trying CBD for yourself just to see what all the buzz is about, there's no better time than now. Order today and get started right away.

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